To get more exposure for the product and reviews....
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When your channel is approved for this campaign, you will receive the following products.
Tasks for all channels
Go to our Google company profile and give us a review. Ideally looking for before and after images, aswell as experience with the company (though does not have to be both). Not looking for all reviews to be the same so whatever the influencer would write if they bought the product from the website themselves. Also requesting Facebook reviews but only want a Google or Facebook review from each influencer.
Facebook review. Go to our Facebook company profile and give us a review. Ideally looking for before and after images, aswell as experience with the company (though does not have to be both). Not looking for all reviews to be the same so whatever the influencer would write if they bought the product from the website themselves. Also requesting Google reviews but only want a Google or Facebook review from each influencer.
Whatever the influncer thinks is a good lifestyle shot.
Here we feature some results dogfluencers have uploaded for this campaign.
We connect brands with famous dogs on Instagram, to reach millions of dog lovers and to increase social media reach.
Create my campaignHere we feature some results dogfluencers have uploaded for this campaign.