Yakka's helps thousands of people from more than 100 villages in the Himalayas to have an income. They receive a fair price and in this way we help to...
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When your channel is approved for this campaign, you will receive the following products.
Tasks for all channels
Record a VERTICAL video of max. 15 sec. with enough light to identify our product and/or logo. Use sound and add @Carniwell as co-author so we could share your REEL on our page too (only if this works, because sometimes it doesn't). Mention @Carniwell in the text and add a call to action 'follow @Carniwell'.
Record a VERTICAL video of max. 15 sec. with enough light to identify our product and/or logo. Use sound and add @yakkashimalaya as co-author so we could share your REEL on our page too (only if this works, because sometimes it doesn't). Mention @yakkashimalaya in the text and add a call to action 'follow @yakkashimalaya'.
Post at least one VERTICAL photo, carousel or video of your dog with our product. Make sure the full product is visible. Make sure our brand is visible and use #Carniwell and @Carniwell.
Post at least one VERTICAL photo, carousel or video of your dog with our product. Make sure the full product is visible. Make sure our brand is visible and use #yakkashimalaya and @yakkashimalaya.
Go to our Google company profile and give us a review: https://g.page/r/CTqZB_hcmCRVEAI/review
Go to our Google company profile and give us a review: https://g.page/r/CXtRZdoOWaw7EAI/review
Here we feature some results dogfluencers have uploaded for this campaign.
We connect brands with famous dogs on Instagram, to reach millions of dog lovers and to increase social media reach.
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