All I want for X-Mas is WOOOF!
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    All I want for X-Mas is WOOOF!

    We want to promote the festive season product range, our festive give-away and treat our pup-fluencers to a gift from WOOOF....

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    Campaign has finished

    ✍️ Application period
    Nov 1, 2022 - Nov 6, 2022
    🚚 Shipment date products
    Nov 11, 2022
    🗓️ Campaign period
    Nov 16, 2022 - Dec 16, 2022
    🤳🏻 Required followers
    🌎 Qualifying countries

    United Kingdom

    🐶 Eligible Breeds

    All Breeds

    Products you receive

    When your channel is approved for this campaign, you will receive the following products.

    All I want for X-mas is WOOOF!

    This Festive Season we want to treat our the pup-fluencers to a Christmas Special PR box! 

    You will receive treats, toys and more.
    * more details closer to the dates.

    Campaign requirements

    Tasks for all channels


    A few stories about the delivery and talking through your items. Which is your pup's favourite? Highlight the ingredients of one or more treat products. Mention that WOOOF is an online doggy store and we stock some of your favourite brands including Denzel's, Nuts for Pets, Sodapup and much more. The WOOOF team handpicks the items from sustainable, local and small businesses making sure to only select the high quality items so you can shop without worries.

    Instagram REEL!

    REELs to share on your page. Pick 2 (or more if you like!) 1 - Decorating with your pup - Placing your pup's gift box with the WOOOF ribbon under the tree - Include a shot of your pup being cheeky: e.g. of them sniffing a Christmas ornament on the tree or stealing one of their presents from under the tree. - You hanging a Sodapup or the Denzel's bauble on the tree, and a shot of putting their stocking or Christmas calendar up. Don't forget to take a high-res picture of them sitting under the tree for the reel cover. 2 - Wrapping their Christmas present - We have included a branded ribbon in your box and some wrapping paper, get a shot of you wrapping their gift(s) using our supplies - Include a shot of you placing the gift under the tree and the pup being curious sniffing their gift. Your pup ripping the packaging to get inside is a welcomed bonus. - Please provide a voice over to give more details about who WOOOF is and the item you picked to pack as a gift. 3 - At the door delivery - A shot of you bringing the WOOOF delivery inside - A shot of unpacking the box together with your dog - let them pick their favourite - Please include a voiceover talking through who WOOOF is, and some details about the items. 4 - Get dressed for Christmas - We have included a bandana and a Christmas patch in your delivery, show how you add a patch on your bandana you can use a normal iron as in the instructions, or our favourite method of using a hair straighter - Get your pup to pose with something WOOOF e.g. the box, the branded wrapped present, the card 5 - Tag of War - Tag of war with your pup with one of the items from the delivery. 6 - Christmas Lick Mat design using at least 2 of the delivery items WOOOF info: Mention that WOOOF is an online doggy store and we stock some of your favourite brands including Denzel's, Nuts for Pets, Sodapup and much more. The WOOOF team handpicks the items from sustainable, local and small businesses making sure to only select the high quality items so you can shop without worries.

    Content Creation & Upload task: Other

    The REEL(s) above as a file sent to us directly.


    We are starting the Christmas Giveaway on the 1st of December. Please recommend to participate on 3 different occasions - the 1st, 8th and for last entries - 18th of December. - Re-stare the rules and the entry post in your stories prompting the users to share and sign up - Participate yourself, tag 7+ of your FURR-ents in the comments who would love to win the box.

    Content Creation & Upload task: Other

    A few photos of your pup and the delivery: - A photo of your pup sniffing the WOOOF box - A photo of your pup next to the Christmas tree surrounded by their presents - Your pup sniffing the Christmas Calendar - Your pup getting a treat from the Calendar - Your pup in the WOOOF Own bandana


    Find your top 3 (or more) items from the delivery on and leave a product review on the page.


    Trustpilot review of the products and service (delivery, website user experience etc.)


    We are also participating in Black Friday with a lot of offers on. The week leading up to the 25th of November please share in your stories about the Black Friday offers at Mention that of you were curious about getting you pup some items - this is the perfect time to splurge - WOOOF has a wide range of high quality fashion, home decor and much more on sale! Mention that you have gotten and "X" item from them recently and say whether it was great quality, whether your pup loved it etc.

    Participants (6)



    Here we feature some results dogfluencers have uploaded for this campaign.

    Total follower reach
    Media uploads

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    We connect brands with famous dogs on Instagram, to reach millions of dog lovers and to increase social media reach.

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    Here we feature some results dogfluencers have uploaded for this campaign.

    Photos uploaded by dogfluencers

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    Videos uploaded by dogfluencers

