Black Dog Models: 5 Essential Tips for Black Dog Photography

Black dog standing before woodThere is no doubt that black dogs look absolutely gorgeous to the eye! But still, black dogs find it much more difficult to get a break into the modeling world than their colored counterparts. And the biggest reason for this is that it is very challenging to photograph a dark-colored canine.  

Do you have a black pooch with shiny fur and dazzling eyes that look stunning in real life but not so good in pictures? Do you want to turn your four-pawed companion into the dog modeling world's newest sensation? If yes, then this blog post is for you. 

To get good dog modeling gigs, you'd first need to have a resume and some attractive headshots and your black dog. These two things are the basic requirements for applying to a pet modeling job. 

While preparing your pup's resume is easy, capturing striking photos of your black dog can be a nightmare. But not anymore! 

Today, we will give you five expert tips to help you photograph your black pooch in all their shiny glory. Read on! 

1. Avoid Indoor Locations 

Black dog tervurenIndoor locations are not ideal for photographing a black pooch. Indoor settings lack proper lighting and vibrant colors. And since black is not a very interesting color on its own, you will need something to make the photograph attractive and lively. That's where nature comes to your rescue! 

The greens, blues, and yellows of nature can make your dog stand out. In addition, these colors will complement your dog's black fur, thereby making the picture more attractive and vibrant. 

When capturing your dog in the outdoor environment, make sure to choose one vivid color, preferably green, as your background. Doing so will balance the monochromatic fur of your dog and make the picture several times more pleasing to the eyes. 

2. Make the Most of the Golden Hour! 

Black dog photographyThe golden hour is undoubtedly the most beautiful time of the day. And thus, it is perfect for capturing your black pooch. 

Capturing a black dog in direct sunlight is a bad idea. Direct sunlight makes the background extra bright and casts harsh shadows on your dog's face, thereby making your dog appear much darker. Thus, it is smart to avoid surroundings that are too bright. 

On the other hand, the golden hour, which is one hour before sunrise and one hour before sunset, offers you the perfect amount of light for clicking great headshots. 

During the golden hour, the sun is relatively low in the sky, the shadows are long, and the surroundings are neither too dark nor extremely lit. Instead, you will have calmer and softer light that will help you capture some spectacular shots. 

So, check out the sunset time (or if you are an early bird, check out the sunrise time) and try to plan your pet's photoshoot accordingly. You won't be disappointed with the results! 

3. Focus on Your Pup’s Beautiful Eyes 

Black dog eyes photoDogs have warm, loving, and beautiful eyes that can win the heart of almost everyone. So, when capturing your black pup for a modeling portfolio, make sure to focus on your pet's eyes. 

Here is the problem: it is often difficult to capture your dog's eyes when they are covered in fur or if they are of the same color as your pooch's fur. Well, don't worry because we have some quick tricks for getting that sorted as well.

To capture your dog's beautiful eyes, try to take them from above. Then, make your dog look up by enticing them with a toy or ball. This will make their fur fall back from their eyes, and you can get some adorable headshots. 

Another thing you can try is using some water. Just wet a cloth and wipe it around your dog's eyes. It will prevent the fur from covering their eyes while you are trying to capture their headshots. If your dog loves splashing and playing in the water, let them! It will not only make their hair stick together but will also make for great pictures. After all, everybody loves dramatic water shots, isn't it? 

4. Do Not Use Flash 

Photo of black dogUsing flash while photographing your black pooch can be a double-edged sword! 

Professional photographers know the right tricks to capture great headshots while using the flash mode. But since you are not hiring a professional photographer and clicking your pet's photos by yourself, it's better to steer clear of bright camera flash. 

We agree, it is tempting to use flash for your dark-colored pup sometimes; however, it can cause more harm than good. Flash can often startle your dog or, worse, make them uncomfortable. It can also cause that spooky green eye effect, thereby ruining the pictures. So, it's better to avoid using the flash altogether because it can ruin all your efforts, hard work, and time if you don't get it right. It's not worth it, is it?  

5. Portrait Mode Can Be a Lifesaver!

Black dog portrait blurry background If you use your iPhone to photograph your black dog, make sure to try out this trick. Most of the latest iPhones come with the portrait mode that you can use to capture elegant and artistic pictures. 

A special thing about the portrait mode is that it makes the background blurry, thereby putting the entire focus on your black pooch. It makes your dog's features sharper and makes them stand out. This mode is advantageous when taking pictures in a busy or crowded background like a street or a park. 

Additionally, portrait mode works extremely well with artificial or indoor lighting setup. So, if you take your dog's pictures inside your house, portrait mode will be perfect. It will generate stunning results that will enhance your black dog's modeling portfolio and improve their chance of getting a good modeling gig. 

Summing Up

Photographing your black dog can often be tricky and challenging. It takes a lot of time and effort to get the lighting, background, pose, and everything else right. But by being a little bit patient, doing some practice, and using the above-mentioned tips, you will eventually be able to take several stunning shots of your beautiful black pooch! 

Along with taking pictures, finding good brand collaborations and modeling gigs for your black dog can also be tough. But don't worry, has got your back! can help you get in touch with the right dog brands, participate in campaigns, and kickstart your pet's modeling journey in no time! 

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