Dog Modeling 101: Everything You Need to Know

“My dog is the most adorable one in the whole wide world!”

Almost every dog parent believes this statement and has said the same to many people several times. 

Dog model Koda

Dog model Koda

As a pet owner, gushing about your dog and believing them to be the cutest one out there is natural. But do you know you can take a step further and turn your dog into a full-fledged model? Yes, you read it correctly. Dog modeling is the newest trend in the modeling industry, and it is receiving skyrocketing popularity today (ever seen those cute puppy videos on Instagram and adorable dog pictures on websites like That’s what we are talking about). 

The modeling industry and showbiz have a lot to offer to you and your pet. Talented and popular dog models can even make thousands of dollars. If your pooches are well primed, polished, and trained, the sky's the limit for them! 

Want to learn more about dog modeling and how you can turn your adorable pup into the dog modeling world’s newest sensation? We have got you covered! This article will tell you the exact steps you need to take to introduce your pup into the acting and modeling world. 

So, let’s get rolling! 

1. Discover Your Dog’s Voice and Personality

Whether you want to up your dog’s Instagram game or get them cast in an ad film, the right way to start on this journey is by finding your dog’s personality. You need to figure out what makes your pet unique in a way that can be commercially beneficial.

Every dog breed has something unique that sets them apart from everyone else. For example, a small poodle and a giant and strong bulldog won’t be suitable for the same projects, right? 

So, to find your dog’s voice and personality, you need to consider their breed, size, quirks, and any unique habit that makes them special. If your dog sits in a unique position or has a special way of jumping, that can be a good place to start. 

Additionally, you must start working on your pet’s grooming and training. Professional dog models are sharp-witted and quick to follow commands. They are great in front of the camera too. So, think of all those things that can get a commercial gig to your pooch and start developing those skills in your pet.

2. Get Some Professional and Charming Headshots

If you want your dog to be hired for a modeling gig or get enrolled in a campaign, you need several professional headshots of them. These headshots will help you build an appealing dog modeling portfolio and market your pet. 

When clicking those pictures, ensure that you have a professional camera and a well-lit setup ready. Random snaps from your smartphone won’t get the job done. Also, try to take multiple pictures of your dog in different poses, showcasing different emotions and from different angles. The more diverse the headshots are, the better it will be! 

If you want, you can even hire a pet photographer for this. Once you have the pictures, select the best ones and get them edited and developed into 8”x10” prints from a professional. 

3. Build an Impressive Dog Resume 

Well, if you think that resumes are only meant for humans, you are wrong! Professional dog models require resumes to apply for a film, photoshoot, or any other gig.

A dog resume will help the agent or the casting director to know about your dog’s skill set and decide whether or not they want to hire your pet. So, give it as much importance as you give to your own resume. 

An ideal dog resume should include the following: 

  • Previous modeling or acting experience 

  • Your dog’s skills

  • Professional training they have received

  • Any unique abilities, talents, etc

  • Certificates, awards, or any other form of recognition 

4. Build a Social Media Presence 

Check out Koda's Instagram channel!

Well, here’s the reality: getting a dog modeling gig is not a piece of cake. It takes a lot of time and patience for that. So, instead of sitting idle and waiting for things to happen, you can build your own social media presence and start networking from there. 

Simply start with creating your dog’s profile on Instagram, Tik-Tok, and other pet-based sites. Post your dog’s pictures, videos, and other compelling content to draw people’s attention. Once you start getting followers, things will fall into place. 

Your goal should be to promote your dog’s profile as widely as possible. Turn your pet into a social media star, and collaboration and work offers will follow suit! 

5. Consider Enrolling Your Dog to Canine Acting Classes 

No, we aren’t joking! Canine acting classes are very much real and kind of popular too. No matter how strange the idea of dog acting classes sounds, they are very helpful if you are serious about dog modeling. 

Canine acting classes are meant to enhance your pet’s obedience and work on their command following skills. They make dogs regularly do activities that they would have to typically perform on shoots. This will get your pet used to the modeling activities so that they would be more comfortable and on their best behavior when they are on an actual film or photoshoot set. 

Furthermore, these classes are as crucial for you as they are for your pooch. Being a parent to a dog model is different from your everyday lifestyle. You need to be accustomed to the hustle-bustle of sets and be prepared for everything that pet modeling entails. And these classes get you ready for all of that.

6. Go to Auditions 

Once you have perfected your dog's obedience and acting skills, have a glowing resume and some charming headshots, it’s time for the most important step: Auditions. 

If you want your dog to turn into a modeling superstar, simply posting their photos on Instagram won’t work. You need brands to acknowledge your pet and collaborate with them. Collaborating with leading pet brands can work like magic for your dog’s modeling career. 

You may need an agent or dog modeling agency for this. They will help you find the most suitable auditions and gigs for your pet. You can also sign up for online dog modeling campaigns and contests to enhance your dog’s resume and get some exposure. 

Summing Up

Check out Koda's profile on

Here’s the most crucial dog modeling tip: be as authentic as possible. Copying other dogs' styles won’t be helpful in the long run. An original approach will help you build a genuine connection with your audience and set your dog apart from the rest of the world. And that’s what most casting directors and brands are looking for!

Would you like to get in touch with brands from the dog industry?

Want to sign up for dog modeling campaigns or find the perfect brand for your dog? Make sure to check out our website

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