10 Ways to Promote Your Dog Influencer Campaign

Before you read this blog, make sure to first launch your dog influencer campaign.

Once your campaign is published, we recommend promoting your campaign to get more dog influencers to sign up for your campaign, which increases reach, ensures better quality branded content and improves the overall results of your campaign. In this blog, we'll share 10 ways to promote your Dogfluence.com campaign.

📣 10 Ways to Promote Your Dog Influencer Campaign

Buddy & Lola campaign on Dogfluence.comExample campaign: Buddy & Lola.

When you have published your campaign, it is important to promote your campaign so that you start collecting pre-subscribers. Below we give some best practices.

Example story to promote a campaign.

💗 1. Create an Instagram / a Facebook Story

Instragram story - Dogfluence.com campaign promotionExample story to promote a dogfluence.com campaign.

Announce your campaign via an Instagram story.

  • Write a clear Call-to-Action like 'Join our campaign';

  • Show the product participating Instagram dog influencers can get;

  • Consider adding music to your story.

📝 2. Write a blog post

Write a blog post about your unique product (launch). You can tell about dogs that have had experience with your products. At the end of the blog post you can promote the campaign you are organizing on Dogfluence.com.

Ask dog influencers to sign up for the campaign so they can be part of the success of your campaign.

📧 3. Send out a newsletter

Inform your customers about the campaign via your email newsletter.

Sample text:

Newsletter item title: 'Try out our [your product]!'

Do you have a medium to large reach on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube or Facebook? And do you share a lot of content about dogs? To promote [your product], [your brand] is organizing a dog influencer campaign through Dogfluence.com

Button: Check out our campaign!

🖼️ 4. Publish a post on Instagram

Instagram post to promote your dog influencer campaignInstagram post to promote your Dogfluence.com campaign.

Use Canva or your own design tools to create a nice Instagram post to promote your campaign.

🤳🏼 5. Publish a TikTok

Use Canva or your own design tools to create a nice TikTok to promote your campaign.

  • Write a clear Call-to-Action like 'Join our campaign';

  • Show the product participating TikTok dog influencers can get;

  • Make sure to use music.

💌 6. Invite dog influencers you already know

Maybe you've worked with dog influencers before? Go back through your brand's DM archive and invite dog influencers to participate in your Dogfluence.com campaign.

Instagram DM archiveScroll through your Instagram DM archive to find dogfluencers.

Maybe you have an email list of influencers? Send them all the info about your campaign and kindly ask them to register if interested.

🖼️ 7. Publish a Facebook post

Use canva or your own design tools to create a nice Facebook post to promote your campaign.

🌐 8. Link to your campaign from website

During the application period of your Dogfluence.com campaign, publish a link to your campaign on your homepage, or in the footer of your website.

💬 9. Reach out to dogfluencers you don't know yet

Go on Instagram or TikTok and search for hashtags that are relevant to your campaign.

Dog Influencer Search ToolDog influencer search tool.

Or go to our Dogfluencer Search Tool to invite dogfluencers personally to your campaign. Invite dogfluencers personally via our platform or via Instagram DM.

🔗 10. Add a link to your Instagram bio

IG bio linkYou can add one link to your Instagram bio.

During the application period of your Dogfluence.com campaign, publish a link to your campaign in your Instagram or Twitter bio.

📣 How we help you promote your campaign

Of course we help to bring your campaign to the attention. We do this in the following ways:

  • We publish your campaign on the homepage;

  • If you receive too few registrations, we will invite extra dogfluencers via social media;

  • When you upgrade to the Tug-of-War plan, we'll send a dedicated email blast to all dogfluencers who qualify for your campaign. If you have a premium account your campaign will be highlighted on the homepage as well.