@Mistermaxthehusky - 12330 followers -

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Siberian husky dog who loves to go on adventures & is a perfect model.

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Zelda & Harley Adventure Harness

by Zelda & Harley

We just launched our very first Taco Chewsday Adventure Dog Harness! This harness has sizes for the smallest of dogs from 6 lbs (XS) all the way up to the largest 100 lbs (XL) dogs. This harness is perfect for walks in your neighborhood, hikes up mountains, runs on the beach, plays in the water or hanging out with friends at a picnic! It comes complete with a handle on the back to lift your dog into the car or can be used to help them swim. The Adventure Harness also has a front clip for Dogs who like to pull and need a little no pull training.

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