@Odin_rhodesianridgeback - 3334 followers -

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Odin has just turned one and is a handsome and good boy! Our channel is centred around having fun, making people laugh and building meaningful connections. Odin is a happy and well trained boy with lots of personality which shows in our content.. with the occasional bit of sass! We have great levels of engagement on our posts and reels as well as interaction with our connections reacting to stories. Our following has been growing rapidly over the past months and we’re averaging gaining 100-200 followers a day over the past week. I am committed to continuing to grow this. We have a great presence in our local dog community with dogs of all shapes and sizes and regularly recommend products on and offline. We have the whole dog park wear our harness now. I feel there is a space in the dogfluencer market for large breed dogs, especially dogs like Odin who know how to work the camera and show some personality along the way. We would love the opportunity to partner with great brand and assist in growing their Australian market share. Odin’s health and happiness is at the centre of all I do and Odin would love to add value to other dogs by recommending and representing great brands and products.

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