Toros instagram has reached 1M accounts in the last 30 days and it has a very high engagement rate. We would love to support your business, we understand the importance of being a dedicated, representable, friendly and approachable ambassador/rep and we appreciate you choosing us, so we can show the world what great products are available, whilst supporting your business and showing what gentle giants Rottweilers really are! ⭐️ We post daily photos, reels and stories! Toro is a one year old male Rottweiler, he is Kennel Club Registered with Champion Bloodline 🏆 He’s quite the poser and loves being infront of a camera 📸 If he hasn’t got his tongue hanging out of his mouth, he’s got a big cheeky grin! He’s always complimented on his handsome features, his gorgeous, super shiny coat ✨and his bright white teeth 🦷 Toro is such a loving boy, he loves people, children, cats, birds, horses, there’s nothing he doesn’t love! ❤️ Mine and Toro’s mission is to break the Rottweiler stigma and to represent the larger breeds, to show the world how lovely and friendly they really can be. We just want to make the world smile with our content 🐾
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