@joey_theaustralianlabradoodle - 4386 followers -

Based on 2 ratings

Joey is the cutest Australian Labradoodle you've ever seen! He loves posing (for treats ;-)). We post a photo everyday on his instagram so we can keep in touch witch other dog owners. There’s a lot of interaction with other furriends. The followers are still growing every day.

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Now Fresh - GO! Solutions Trial Package

- 3 years ago

The content was submitted perfectly on time. Great pictures and all the requirements are met. Thanks for participating with us!

Requirements compliance

Are all requirements met? Was the content submitted on time?

Content quality

How do you rate the quality of the photos and videos?

Channel engagement

Considering the number of followers, how was the engagement on content about your brand?

Feedback quality

If applicable, how do you rate the product feedback given by the dogfluencer?

Snuffelbox - Squeaks in the Vegetable Garden

- 2 years ago

Thank you for participating. Lovely channel, but we miss the six videos.

Requirements compliance

Are all requirements met? Was the content submitted on time?

Content quality

How do you rate the quality of the photos and videos?

Channel engagement

Considering the number of followers, how was the engagement on content about your brand?

Feedback quality

If applicable, how do you rate the product feedback given by the dogfluencer?