@riga_the_dachshund - 6522 followers -

Based on 2 ratings

We love to make fun everyday. Me and my sisters love to model in frond of the camera.

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NML health - EHBOngemakken kit by NML health

- 2 years ago

Requirements compliance

Are all requirements met? Was the content submitted on time?

Content quality

How do you rate the quality of the photos and videos?

Channel engagement

Considering the number of followers, how was the engagement on content about your brand?

Feedback quality

If applicable, how do you rate the product feedback given by the dogfluencer?

SW Pet Products - Yakka's

- 2 years ago

Great job !!! thanks

Requirements compliance

Are all requirements met? Was the content submitted on time?

Content quality

How do you rate the quality of the photos and videos?

Channel engagement

Considering the number of followers, how was the engagement on content about your brand?

Feedback quality

If applicable, how do you rate the product feedback given by the dogfluencer?