Easy Cheesy Yak Cheese Turmeric

Easy Cheesy Yak cheese with turmeric, made from Yak milk. Traditionally from the Himalayas.
Suitable for puppies, adult and senior dogs. The yak milk snack is meat-free, gluten-free and grain-free, suitable for use in ALLERGY problems.
Did you know that the effect of curcumin ensures that the intestines digest food better? This allows the gastrointestinal tract to do a better job. In addition, turmeric is good for the functioning of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is connected to the liver (and the upper part of the small intestine). Turmeric helps the liver do its job properly.
Research shows that curcumin has a role in preventing inflammation. It supports the normal and short-term response of the body to clear away substances that do not belong there or to repair damaged tissue. Smooth movement is a positive effect. 

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