
Made from cold-pressed nut oils, wheat germ oil and linseed oil, for short-coated breeds.

- for short-coated breeds
- made from cold-pressed nut oils, wheat germ oil and linseed oil
- against flaky skin and a dull coat
- accelerates coat change
- effective after 7 – 10 days
- ideal ratio between Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids

The entire body tissue and every organ is composed of very specific cells. The skin is the body’s largest organ and consists of innumerable single cells, just as one single hair does.

Essential, unsaturated fatty acids are a component of every cell coating. If there is a deficiency of these fatty acids, the tissue is also not intact. This results in skin problems such as scaly skin, eczemas, brittle hair or a coat which is too loose and hair that constantly and easily falls out. We can differentiate between essential (necessary) and non-essential (can be produced by the body itself ) as well as unsaturated fatty acids (which are more valuable to the organism) and saturated fatty acids.

As some fatty acids are essential, they must be supplied to the body through food. It therefore does not make sense to simply add pure oils such as sunflower, olive, salmon or evening primrose oil. These oils only contain one of the different kinds of fatty acids at a time and so the required ratio of 5 – 10 Omega-6 to 1 Omega-3 fatty acids is not taken into account. But by combining different oils in one product, the ratio of the fatty acids can be influenced and optimized. If you add this combination to the food every day, you will soon achieve the desired aim of allowing the skin tissue to heal, removing scales and effectively opposing constant hair loss.

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