For all you doggy mamas out there, this edible card is made just for you - in a way.
Contrary to popular belief, dogs can’t actually write cards to their owners (it’s got something to do with them having no opposable thumbs), so we’ve created the card that is actually for them.
The idea is you give the card to your furry baby… but it’s a card for you… for them to eat… to make you happy… because they’re happy.
And if you follow that, then you’re one hell of a devoted dog mum and this card is perfect for you, and your dog, but you also… and your dog.
This card comes with our standard snazzy envelope and a space on the back of the card to scribe your own motherly message to your baba.
No rawhide, no wheat, no gluten – it does however contain Omega’s 3 and 6.
This card is chicken flavoured.
You can add a message on the back of your card. Or if you fancy getting creative yourself, you can add one of our Edible Ink pens for dogs for an extra £2.50.
All of our materials and packaging are recyclable and our cellophane wrapping is biodegradable. So we are good for dogs, and good for the planet too!

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