Dirty Dog Soap

Dirty Dog Soap 100g

From muddy paws to rolling in poop, sometimes your dog doesn’t need a full shampoo, just a spot wash to freshen up. 

Dirty Dog Soap to the rescue!

Dirty Dog Soap is a bar soap with a goat's milk base and lavender and chamomile essential oils to make fur smell like a herb garden on a warm summer day.

How to use:

Grab a washcloth or two, wet one with some warm water and lather it up with some Dirty Dog Soap. Use the soaped up washcloth to gently scrub the areas that need to be cleaned. Use the second washcloth to rinse the soap away with some warm water.

Maybe you have a dog that loves to be in the tub, then just do your thing.

If a bit of the soap gets licked no worries it is dog safe.*


Please allow your Dirty Dog Soap to dry completely before putting it in a covered container. We suggest storing your soap in a cool dry area.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any agency that evaluates statements such as these. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements are not meant to replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Consult your veterinarian before trying any new products with your pets.

Our products are developed based on our own personal experiences. Specific results are not guaranteed, and individual results may vary.

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